Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Apart from making a living, loving the Mongel sock making process, over the years we've brought up a beautiful daughter. And today as a mum I feel like I've hit a milestone. My last day tuckshop duty, ever! I don't know that I'll miss the sandwich making, but I sure will miss "in-school" goss, and news. It has been a wonderful parenting tool for me. It enabled me to meet the kids, teachers and adults involved in my daughters school life. So nice to put a name to a face. Met some absolute gems, and some not great but those I won't come across again, and the gems will stay friends, I hope, for a long time to come. And just a thought, last lot of school fee's to pay too, yay!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Head Warmer weather

Just loving the all the new colours in our Mongrel Tasmanis pure wool Head Warmer range, in the Arm/Leg Warmers as well. They've been getting a good reception at Salamanca Market, where we do all our market research, our customers down there have never lead us astray. You can always count on Tasmanians to be honest with their face to face feedback. Good or bad they're happy to let us know exactly what they think. Even via email our customers don't hold back. Often liberal with praise, ( I Like) but today we opened an email with lashings of unhappiness. Oh dear! A customer unhappy her pure wool socks wore out, we hear her pain. Sadly, the one reality in the life of Pure Wool socks is for all that is good, better than the rest, nothing is surer your Pure Wool Mongrel Socks will, without doubt, wear out, at some stage. Every wearer is differant, I regularly sell socks to folks who tell me they are replacing 4 year old socks that are still going strong, right next to someone who's socks have worn out in a few heavy wearing months. Why? goodness knows. But one thing we do know, if longevity is more important to comfort, best customers pick our Tuff Mongrel Socks over the Pure Wool. They won't be disappointed.

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Head Warmer

Monday, September 21, 2009

Killer video

We feeling very lucky here at the house of Mongrel Socks. We've just finished viewing the latest Killertoothbrush mongrel video. I can't wipe the smile off my face. It's a beauty!!!!

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Busy not blogging

Busy times here at Mongrel Socks. Just sorted most of our new web site shots, and all the other web stuff. Here's a couple of links to some cool very Mongrel Sock stuff.
