Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wool socks in the desert!

I'd like to share this picture a customer sent to me recently. They live way out woop woop, beyond the black stump, right in the midst of Australia, about 500ks out of Alice Springs. It's harsh country out there, night time it can be freezing and daytime, stinking hot. They value good pure wool socks there. Only pure wool can give you the warmth you need, when you need it and not over heat as the day warms up. When you live and work in extremes of temperature, your day can start at 0 degrees C (or less) and head in the 40's with in hours. So it's important your foot wear can cope with both. Wool with its great thermal properties is just the thing, cool in the heat and warm in the cold. They tell me our Mongrels are also used as stubby coolers out there, with great success. Maybe that could be a new product for us in the future-I guess I could do a few trials-and drink a bit of beer at the same time. It's a hard life, I know, but some-ones gotta do it. From the look of it, seems there's a sad lack of clothesline's outback as well.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

We love our customers!

We just love our customers! Not only do they have the good taste and judgement to choose to wear our fantastic pure wool socks, fashion arm & leg warmers, & head warmers etc, they let us know how just what they think. As manufacturers we need feed back, we need to know what you, the consumer, likes about our product, and we really need to know if your happy with you purchase & why. For us, a small business, we don’t have the budget to employ “focus groups”, “product development consultants” and the like. We rely on the honesty of our customers to let us know what we are doing right or what we could do better. Thankfully our customers know we are interested in what they have to say, good thing it’s almost always terrific! There is nothing quite so motivating as bit of feed back. We plug along day, in day out, its socks, while we love what we do, sometimes it can be ho-hum (like most jobs). And then there are those days when someone can be bothered to let you know your doing OK. Yay! its positively energizing! A few days ago I received an online order from a bloke. He took the time to write this;
Girlfriend bought me a pair of these (blue/green/aqua) arm warmers for my birthday recently and they kick butt! They’re very comfy, warm and they look totally cool too! Keep up the great work. renegade wolf 31/3/07
So……Thanks, & keep it coming.

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