Well, we are one month in to the first trials of our new product space-dyed mercerised cotton socks, and still smiling. It's always a bit of a gamble when producing a new product line, and though-out it's development it is only when a customer actually buys them that you know you are on the right track. One off purchases are not a true indictation of potential, repeat purchases are the ones that really count. No matter how great the product is. True for socks as it is for, say, shampoo. When customers return to purchase more, you can pretty safely say you've nailed it! And I'm really happy to announce these great cotton socks are here to stay. The trials were successful. So glad because we could easily got it all wrong, as has been known to happen. Anyway, we 1st trialed with 3 styles, and two sizes, narrowed that done to a fine thickness 2 length, knee high and crew in 2 sizes. The colours are fantastic, we're aiming to have them online in the near future. Pure Cotton Socks are a big change to Pure Wool but with similar wild colours and natural properties. I'm seriously considering selling pairs of odd socks too, in this new line - Same, Same but Different. It's a thought.
Labels: mercerised cotton socks, mercerized cotton, pure wool mongrel socks, salamanca market, space-dye