In our own small way we endeavor to do the right thing environmentally and ethically. We source the majority of our yarn from Schoeller Spinning Group. Thier 20.5 micron Superwash Zefir is 2nd to none when it comes to quality and consistancy. The Climawool* they produce in the best we have found for replicating the qualities of Pure Wool but also adding a lightness and longevity making this a true high performance yarn. Their hard won G.O.T.S and Blue Sign (see below)certification demonstrates their commitment to getting it right for the planet too.
In our workshop we are committed to improving our manufacturing practises to minimise our impact on the environment.
- We employ natural drying processes rather than power hungry methods.
- We collect and use rain water. Minimising unnecessary waste.
- Using skylights to provide lightiing for 90% of our workshop needs.
- We have a tree planting program in place, re-introducing endemic trees our 9 acre property, and making it a haven again for native wildlife. In our 5th year both the 500 trees and wildlife are thriving.
- We don't crop or till our acreage, gaining carbon capture and soil structure improvement.
- We recycle our cardboard and re-use for forwarding where possible.
- We re-use as much plastic as we can and forward for recycling the rest.
- We further reduce our carbon footprint by working from a home base, and minimising our necessary vehicle movements by planning ahead multi-stop single trips than many one purpose trips, with our fuel miser car.
- LPG fuelled delivery vehicle - cleaner emissions
- We use natural soy based dyes for our printing and our labels are printed on paper that is 65% recycled.
- Our POS plasticbags are 100% recycled and 100% biodegradable.
- Our mantra - re-use, reduce, recycle and re-birth.
- We are a family friendly employer. Understanding the delicate work/life balance that is necessary to get the best out of our employee’s, enabliing our employee’s to get the best out of us. Flexiblity, communication, and appreciation is the key.
- Our use of Possum fur blended yarns encourages the ecologically sustainable solution to NZ Australian Brushtail Possum feral infestation.
These four letters identify those products which are produced in such a way as to fulfil the ecological criteria of the “Internationalen Verbandes der Naturtextilien e.V. (IVN)” (International Association Natural Textiles Industry). The key aspects of this standard, amongst others, are a sustainable production, upholding social responsibility as well as the exclusive use of non-harmful materials in the dye works.
This certification guarantees the highest possible exclusion of damaging substances as well as ensuring the highest quality and functionality. Bluesign is a sign that the worldwide strict EHS criteria (consumer protection, water emissions, air emissions, industrial health and safety, resource efficiency) are being kept to.
www.bluesign.comLabels: aussie wool, carbon footprint, climawool, environmental, mongrel socks, native trees, natural fibre, schoeller wool, tree planting