For a redhead I'm making a very a very good job at being blonde! This has been the week from Hell, for me and my computer. Friday afternoon my computer went from being the best thing since sliced bread to a very expensive lamp - the lights were on but nobody was home. On to the help line, 1/2 hr of trying different fixes, on to the local "authorised' repairer. Listened while the person on the other end of the line moaned about the information given to me by the computer makers - Mac. Then wonder of wonders organised the computer to be picked up Monday am. It was, by a lovely young man, said he would have it fixed by Tuesday afternoon. It was. He'd managed to save the info on my hard drive which was faulty, replace it, good as new. Oh happy day! Opps! He forgot the power cord, so I had to wait until Wednesday afternoon, for that to be delivered before I could give it a go. I switched it on and.....blooooody hell........the computer did the same thing a gain. Straight on the phone, another 1/2 hour of trying all sorts of things. Until we tried checking the cord arrangements, amongst others I disconnected the printer, and voila! Apparently, the printer is faulty and as such the computer would let itself switch on - I can't believe how smart my little imac is. I think I just got a new hard drive for nothing - oh well - lucky it was under warranty. Then just as I was about to hang up, I thanked them for cleaning my screen as I had been having trouble getting it clean, and Dr mac said no problem as I probably didn't have the magnets I needed to clean it - as soon as it was out of my mouth I realised I'd made an idiot of myself but....I said...."Oh, I didn't know magnets got the dirt off things." He said "Um, the magnets take the screen's covering glass off, to clean behind it"
Anyway my macs back, we're back online, and I've got 49 emails to sort. The one upside of the whole thing was I got a lot of socks made in the last few days, not having my computer, as useful as it is, taking up buckets of my work time.
Labels: mac, online socks, socks