Thursday, May 1, 2008

Singing socks!

One of the little joys in our Mongrel sock making
day is when we get to change colour, or even better
still when we have the opportunity to create a
new colour for our range. We generally stick to
a core range of 9 colour mixes, but sometimes
when there's a dye lot change, or unavailability
of a certain colour, the old mix just doesn't work.
It's strange how, for example, a slight change in
one colour of our 7 colour mix, changes the look
of the socks entirely. When the colours don't sing
together, we keep adjusting the differant wool
mixes 'til it pleases us. Funny thing is 'though
often our approval of new colour blends will
depend on our mood at the time and a colour mix
we initially reject, will get taken up at a later date.
It just grows on us. It's a joyous thing for me when a
customer zero's in on a particular colour of Mongrel,
and then will take ages checking out all the colours
we have, then go right back to that first colour.
Another one of Murphy's Law's. Oscar Wilde got
it right when he penned the quote below.

Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied
with definite form, can speak to the soul in a
thousand different ways".

Oscar Wilde

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