Friday, August 17, 2007

What's warm, woolly and has us flat out like a lizard drinking?

The making of Mongrel Socks, of course! Winter has hit with a vengence, our busiest time of year. This is not a complaint, far from it, we love being busy. We do try to be prepared, with most of our production done in the warmer months, to free up time in busy bits for sales/admin etc. And more importantly the office is alot more inviting than the workshop in the dead of winter. Australia has copped a bad flu season this year and our house hasn't escaped. The leurgy has been wrecking havoc, bouncing back from one person to another for weeks. So as far as work goes we've been flat out busy but all of us lacking in the drive and stamina we usually have. Everything needed doning has been done but it's been a hard slog. Lucky we were organised. You just never know whats around the corner-sales or otherwise. Anyway Spring is nearly upon us, and we're looking forward to those crisp mornings followed by clear, warm'ish days, into cool nights. Tasmania has beautiful Spring weather. Still needing our warm, woolly Mongrel Socks, without that frigid, creeping cold of Tassie's winter.
Roll on Spring!

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